Kosovo opposition boycotts Parliament Presidency meetings, sabotaging a government-backed call to vote on the repeal of the law on Hague-based court mandated to prosecute war crimes.
Vetevendosje MPs Albin Kurti, Albulena Haxhiu, and Donika Kadaj-Bujupi were arrested for failing to appear in court regarding accusations of releasing tear gas in the Kosovo Parliament.
Four Vetevendosje activists were found guilty of attacking the Kosovo Assembly building and sentenced to a total of 21 years and six months in prison.
In Kosovo, local elections do not necessarily reflect the trends set by the general elections; a party could fail at the national level, but be very successful at the municipal level.
MPs vote against a motion to dismiss Agriculture Minister Nenad Rikalo, of Lista Srpska, who was alleged to have been involved in the torture of Albanians during the Kosovo War.