In Kosovo, local elections do not necessarily reflect the trends set by the general elections; a party could fail at the national level, but be very successful at the municipal level.
The eight mayoral candidates for Prizren gathered on #DebatPernime to present their promises for transforming Prizren’s health, education, economic, and cultural heritage sectors.
The issue of limited municipal powers to address major issues will not be mentioned during the local election campaigns, nor will the the problem of bloated assemblies and misused budgets.
The upcoming local elections in Kosovo are important for Serbs. But even if we want to vote for someone other than Srpska Lista, we will be deprived of that right in front of our very eyes.
Ramush Haradinaj takes over the PM office today, and has still not yet presented a governing program. But as things stand, with just a few superficial changes he could recycle his 2004-2007 program.