Kosovo’s Central Election Commission has declined certification for the Srpska Lista, the largest Serbian-majority political party in Kosovo, for participation in the parliamentary elections scheduled for February 9, 2025. The decision can be appealed.
The biggest Kosovo Serb party in Kosovo, the Belgrade-backed Srpska Lista (Serbian List), has not been certified for participation in the upcoming election. The Central Election Commission, CEC, made the decision in its meeting on Monday.
This decision, announced during the CEC meeting, was justified by the claim that representatives of the Srpska Lista engaged in nationalist rhetoric while presenting the list.
The Srpska Lista had expressed its intention to participate in these elections after a period of boycotting Kosovo’s political processes. In 2022, members of the party collectively resigned from Kosovo’s institutions in protest against the government’s decision to issue RKS car licence plates in northern municipalities.
The rejection came despite the positive recommendation CEC members received from the CEC’s Office for Political Party Registration.
During the certification vote, the CEC’s chairman, Kreshnik Radoniqi, announced the decision following a split: two votes in favor, two against, and abstentions from the remaining members. Representatives of the ruling Vetëvendosje Movement, LVV, opposed the certification, citing the Srpska Lista refusal to recognize Kosovo as a state.
Radoniqi and Srpska Lista member, Gordana Laban Zuvic, supported the party’s certification, while Vetevendosje members Sami Kurteshi and Alban Krasniqi voted against it. The other members abstained.
“The recommendation from the Office to certify the Srpska Lista does not pass,” Radoniqi stated after the vote.
Members of the CEC argued that the Srpska Lista leader, Zlatan Elek, made nationalist remarks during the party’s electoral list presentation.
“The leader of the Srpska Lista (Zlatan Elek) did not mention Kosovo in his statement. Instead, he declared ‘Long live Serbia.’ I cannot vote for this party,” Kurteshi from LVV remarked.
Although the Srpska Lista’s certification was denied, the party retains the right to appeal the decision.
According to the law on elections, any political entity may appeal a CEC decision to reject certification within 24 working hours of receiving the decision.
“The Election Complaints and Appeals Panel, ECAP, must rule on the appeal within 48 hours of its submission,” the law states.
Srpska Lista has not been available for comment by the time of publication.
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