Following the close of Peja’s Anibar International Animation Festival, three women animators talk about their career, their aspirations and what they’re doing to increase diversity and equality in their industry.
With less than 50 left in the wild and this number dwindling, more needs to be done to preserve this critically endangered species, say experts of the Balkan Lynx Recovery Program.
Amy Winfrey and Peter Merryman talk about their hit animated comedy series Bojack Horseman, and presenting at Kosovo’s animation festival Anibar this weekend.
Carting her from house to house every month, a pact between four sisters to share the care of Ana, who is blind, creates its own trials for the sisters and those who depend on them.
In a bid to end ‘the longest Balkan war,’ Albanian and Greek officials are discussing maritime borders, migrant and minority rights, but will the dialogue leave out the Cham plight?